Church Council

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

Church Council

Governing Board

Major decisions of the congregation are made at Congregational Meetings, held at least twice a year, in January and June. Between Congregational Meetings, the Church Council provides leadership.

The Council meets at least once a month, providing general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation, and consists of nine lay members one a teenager, elected by the congregation for two-year terms, and the pastors. The Church Council typically meets on the third Tuesday evening of each month.

2023 Church Council

Michele Anderson - President

Hans Dettling- Vice-President

Mark Myers - Treasurer                 

Jennie Zwiefel - Recording Secretary

JoAnn Nance - Corporate Secretary

Sandy Hughes - Member

Rebecca Cleveland - Member

James Severson - Member

Additional Staff

Clark Swenson | Music Director

Karen Petit | Youth Director

Randy VanSickle | Custodial Staff

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