Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Family Promise of Las Vegas
Family Promise formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network is committed to helping homeless families in the Las Vegas Valley to achieve lasting independence. We do this by helping our community mobilize to provide safe shelter, meals and support services for homeless families.
Hope 4 Kids International
Hope 4 Kids International is faith-based non-profit organization committed to helping children around the world that are suffering from extreme poverty through Dignity, Health, Joy & Love.
Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth
We are the only youth service provider in Nevada with a continuum of care extending from street outreach and 24-hour crisis intervention services to a full-time drop-in center and an independent living program.
Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy in Nevada
A joint advocacy ministry between the Sierra Pacific Synod and Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA and the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada.
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada
35 years ago, a dedicated group of Lutheran church volunteers began serving meals and providing food and clothing to people in need out of some of the local churches.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
This is the body of Lutheran congregations in the United States with which Holy Spirit is affiliated. The ELCA's church wide national office is in Chicago.
The Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA
The ELCA is divided into 65 synods geographical areas. Holy Spirit is part of the Grand Canyon Synod, comprising over 100 congregations in Southern Nevada, Arizona and St. George, Utah. The synod office is in Phoenix.
The Lutheran Magazine
Living Lutheran is an opportunity for church members to express individual perspectives, and does not necessarily reflect official positions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Augsburg Fortress Publishing
This is the publishing house of the ELCA, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Faith Lutheran Jr. & Sr. High School of Las Vegas
Faith is focused on providing excellent education in a Christ-centered environment. Faith is a partnered ministry of congregations of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LC-MS) and the ELCA in Southern Nevada.
California Lutheran University
One of the ELCA's 28 colleges and universities, CLU is located just west of Los Angeles in Thousand Oaks, California.
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
One of the ELCA's eight seminaries, PLTS is located in Berkeley, California.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent is the largest fraternal insurance and investment non-profit company in the world, and is affiliated with the ELCA. Thrivent is committed to giving back to congregations and supporting community needs.
Nevadans for the Common Good
Nevadans for the Common Good's goal is to build relational power for collective action in the pursuit of justice and the common good. They act to strengthen family and community in solidarity with others across the lines of race, class and religion.